Every morning for the past week MM has dragged me out of my basket at quarter to six for a half hour walk in the freezing cold before she goes to that ‘Work’ place that she never seems to be away from.
I don’t know what kind of kicks she gets from these early morning outings, but it isn’t doing my mood any good.
Then DD hangs around the house all day and keeps me awake, when all I want to do is sneak into their bedroom and make myself comfy on their quilt.
Have they never heard the expression 'Let Sleeping Dogs Lie'?!
Well, I'm of the opposite persuasion H. I like to wake Muttie at 6.30am and demand 'Morning Cuddles' - this involves me burying under her duvet, purring very loudly and demanding lots of loving strokes. Her alarm is set to go off at 7am so sometimes these early morning rendevous are greeting with less than pleasure. After we've had 10 mins of stroking I then go through to the bathroom window sill (which I've managed to decorate in loads of mucky paw prints) and greet to get let out. Well, what else would get the slovenly one out her pit??. I'm doing her a favour, really.
PS You look dead cute in a sleeping pose